We place the compliance of health and safety, the environment and quality at the centre of everything we do.
Barton firmly believe that every employee has the right to return home after work safely and free of injury. This culture is lead from the top and is adopted from the ground up. No activity is so important that it is worth doing unsafely. This policy applies whether or not individuals are direct employees, contractors or members of the public. We operate a Don’t Walk By philosophy and expect all employees to be proactive at taking responsibility for their own and their colleagues safety and health and that of the wider community.
Using a range of management tools and adhering to best practice and regulation, all our works are examined for risks. All equipment and machinery is inspected at appropriate intervals. Substances are properly controlled and sourced as environmentally friendly as possible. Employees are fully trained and certificated to operate the machinery in their charge and to undertake the work they are assigned.
In addition to our own procedures we incorporate the systems of our clients where this is required in addition to our own.